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Solar Install


12/12/24: CMS Solar Now Delayed


This is a town/CMLP project and is NOT controlled by the schools or the School Committee. CMLP Director Jason Bulger presented an update to the SC at the 12/10 meeting. It seems, if CMLP installs rooftop and canopy, the solar energy output at CMS would be more than the school needs and this could cause larger grid problems.


Batteries at or near CMS could store power, but this raises safety/fire concerns. Also, installing panels on the new school’s roof could damage/penetrate the roof membrane/seal and void the construction warranty. $7.5 was voted-for by taxpayers for this, but it sounds like the school will open with none of this resolved and decisions/a plan are a long way off. Again, solar at CMS is a CMLP project run by the town, NOT the schools.





Background: Article 21 easily passed Town Meeting on April 30, 2023, approving the borrowing of the funds (up to $7.5M!)  necessary to install the solar array and battery system at the New Middle School. This will NOT increase taxes and will mean a net decrease in Concord energy rates, in the long term. The generation of this clean energy will offset the energy used by the New Middle School, in-line with net-zero goals.



Solar arrays slated for middle school roof, parking canopy

By Betsy Levinson , From The Concord Bridge 3/24/23


As part of the new middle school building project, the municipal light plant is installing solar panels on the roof and parking canopy. On another part of the school grounds, a battery will be erected to store power.

The two installations make up Article 21 on the Town Meeting warrant, seeking $7.5 million which will be funded by electric ratepayers.


The investment in solar energy contributes to the town’s climate goals, according to the light plant board.

“This will add more in-town generation,” said Brian Foulds of the light plant board.


The power from solar panels covering the roof and canopy will exceed the needs of the school and can be stored in the onsite battery.


Foulds said the light plant will own the equipment. The configuration will fulfill the net zero requirement set forth in the building project.


Foulds said the electricity rates will increase by a little over one dollar per month at the outset, with the price decreasing over the following years.


The article calls for a $13 million bond, but Foulds said the smaller battery in the current proposal decreases the cost. The $7.5 million includes the capital outlay and maintenance. When the roof needs to be redone, after 20 years or more, the panels can be lifted off and replaced. The panels have a life expectancy of about 25 years, according to the presentation made to the Finance Committee.


Two incentives contribute to cost containment, Foulds said, including a 25 percent federal incentive as well as potential ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds, although he said “we may not be able to get them in time” as the school building breaks ground this spring.


And, after the 20-year bond is paid off, the town would own the equipment, and not pay an outside company for providing power.


Without the incentives, Foulds said the rate hike would be approximately $1.70 per month the first year, decreasing until 2035.


Non-financial benefits include environmental justice, or not cutting down trees for a ground-based system; educational experiences for students; and providing a parking canopy for cars and buses.

Foulds said other town-owned sites are being evaluated, such as Alcott School. “All municipal roofs are being looked at,” he said.“It’s more expensive to do it the way we want,” Foulds said, “but we don’t want to cut down a lot of trees,” which would be required for an array on the ground.


Audience members were, for the most part, enthusiastic about the project.


“It’s an extraordinary step forward,” said Michael McAteer.


“Kudos,” said Kim Slack. He added that the panels seem, from the renderings, close to the baseball field, and wondered if an errant ball might damage a panel.


“Let ‘em play,” responded Foulds. “We will replace the panel.”


Gail Hire said there may be detrimental health effects for students from “electrical noise” with the system on the roof. 


Christine Reynolds sought assurance that the battery storage unit would not be a fire hazard. 


Dave Wood, light plant director, said a fence will surround the unit, and it has its own fire suppression capability.


“This is so wonderful,” said Pam Dritt.



Read the article in The Bridge here.

Concord Community For Great Schools

Concord Community For Great Schools is a group of concerned citizens that attend meetings and listen to different perspectives. Our goal is to advocate for positions we believe in and to help others get involved in town civic matters, especially regarding education. We are not affiliated with any other group or organization or cause.

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