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"Efforts by Mary Hartman, the Select Board Chair, and Mark Howell, the Select Board Clerk, to add Court Booth to the CMS Building Committee through the Board’s administrative consent without transparency or discussion perpetuates and supports a wide-spread belief that Town leaders appoint “insiders” who think similarly and are not representative of the broader and more diverse community."


Mark Martines


The DEI leaders’ latest letter in these pages exposes their true intentions and hypocrisy: They lecture about the “misappropriation of inclusion” as if anointed with exclusive understanding and use of these terms, or that they apply only to a one group of Americans; they claim “lack of transparency” and “absence of evidence-based debate” as if we’ve forgotten that their so-called “large number of petition signatures” during the EG campaign were largely from non-Concord residents or we’ve forgotten about their scorched-earth campaign to remove historic town signage; they attempt moral high ground as if we’ve forgotten about the “Oreo” slur by one of their associates against a METCO representative to the SC..It’s past time for the Select Board to step up, stop enabling DEI’s divisive actions, and place the needed limits on it that it should have put in place at its creation.


Joseph Laurin
Southfield Road

"We want to express our disappointment and concern. This decision reveals a misunderstanding of what inclusion truly means. Inclusion is about fully embracing and elevating the stories, struggles, and triumphs of those who have been historically marginalized. We are particularly alarmed by the way the naming process was conducted. It lacked transparency and rigor, with a noticeable absence of evidence-based debate. Instead, it was marred by personal opinions and groupthink, lacking critical reasoning or evaluation of the consequences or alternatives and undermining the principles of inclusion and representation that we, as a community, strive to uphold."


Andrea Foncerrada and Joe Palumbo, Co-Chairs, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission

New Middle School Naming

“The School Committee did take action on Tuesday evening. They reconsidered the middle school name and chose to recognize Ellen Garrison by naming the building. In doing so, I believe they have fulfilled their obligation to take Town Meeting’s recommendation into account. That action is also a commitment to the values of courage and service that we have come to understand about the story of the life of Ellen Garrison. That story and its stewardship now resides with the Concord Middle School community.”


Mark Howell

Concord Select Board DEI Commission Liason

"At Town Meeting it was accurately said: there’s not a single public building in Concord named for a person of color. But now there is. And it’s the newest, most expensive public building in Concord history... I urge others, who like myself Stand Up For Ellen, to support the School Committee action."


Eric Van Loon


“You can have principles, but sometimes you have to be flexible [when] good people are having those dialogues with you. We are all good and decent people really trying to do the right thing for our community. And even though the way we achieve it might look a little different, I think what needs to unite us is the fact that we are all supportive of kids and belonging and diversity and inclusion.”


Alexa Anderson - School Committee Chair


"Ellen Garrison was a revolutionary leader, a civil rights and education advocate like none other in Concord’s history. Thanks to the Robbins House many people, myself included, have been educated about this amazing woman. Good schools use their names for inspiration, guiding students to strive for the ethics, values and beliefs which their namesake stood for. What better name could we choose than Ellen Garrison?"


Matt Conroy


"There is no right or wrong in the Concord Middle School naming discussion. Ellen Garrison was a terrific American and Concordian. The Concord School Committee named our new school Concord Middle School. We look forward to seeing our grandchildren attend Concord Middle School and read about the life and accomplishments of Ellen Garrison. Time to move on."


Bill and Angela Healy MD


“The opposition’s refusal to back down here is really driving a major wedge in our town. It’s harmful, it’s not very inclusive,… We cannot and should not allow the DEI committee to overrule the decisions of our elected officials. That’s really just bad governance, and I think it sets a terrible precedent. Due to this whole issue, many of our School Committee members are now being labeled as racists. I mean, that’s just a horrible thought. These are volunteers. They didn’t sign up to deal with this nonsense.”


Greg Creamer


"I think that they should name the school after Ms. Garrison. But I fear that would be the end of the discussion, and it shouldn’t be. Nobody objected to the nobility of Ms. Garrison, nor to the fact that the town has woefully failed to acknowledge the presence of African Americans in the town from its earliest days. And this could be the seed that allows us to get past any lingering rancor and to find a way to honor the continued presence and contributions of African Americans in Concord."


Nick Pappas


"From time to time, certain issues arise that grip the citizens of our town. The naming of the new middle school seems to be one of them. As rumors swirl of confrontations and public shaming of elected officials, this year’s Town Meeting promises to be a heated one, especially when Article 22 surfaces. Absent the privacy of the voting booth, the paper ballot at least provides a similar level of anonymity and allows both voters and elected town officials to freely express their choices and avoid the current incivilities that are so uncharacteristic of Concord."


Pierce Browne


New Middle School Funding

"Is a mid-single digit escalation factor enough to force us to start over and, inevitably, it seems to me, pay a new cost grown by an additional 3-5 years of inflation?  I certainly feel that it is not. Please vote in favor of the additional expenditure for the new middle school."


Peter Atwood
Ministerial Drive

"After an hours-long hearing last week, the 15-member Finance Committee voted to support Article 5 on the special Town Meeting warrant, which asks the town for $7.2 million to add to the approved $102.8 million to build a new Middle School."


Concord Bridge Reporting

"The Select Board recommends affirmative action on Article 5...The majority believes it's better to proceed because the potential cost of additional design work and project delays diminish the savings opportunities at this stage."


Matt Johnson

Chair, Concord Select Board

Jan 19, 2023

"I feel like The Bridge’s coverage of the proposed construction of the new middle school has been noticeably negative. I would like to see more balanced / neutral coverage of this topic going forward."


James Cohane

Central Street

"Delaying the project further will only increase our tax burden, as costs keep rising, which is why the Finance Committee voted overwhelmingly for “affirmative action” regarding this vote. If it fails, we will incur $5M in fees, 6-9 months of delay and have to cut $11M more from the design, including the community-use elements, while construction costs continue to escalate."


Marc Caruso, Joel Gagne, Wilson Kerr, Jessica Reed, Jeff Suarez, Peggy Wargelin, Yumi Yasutake


"Whenever we are thinking of the cost of something we have to also think of the costs of not doing it. And in this case the costs of not doing it are vast."


Concord Neighbor

13 Concord Greene

"We are less than half the population. The remaining population is the children who cannot vote. They need this building. They need music.. They need a fully-sized gym....we need to vote yes on this.."


Elisabeth Winterkorn

Concord Association of Music Parents

"The vision of a unified Concord Middle School has been decades in the making. The schools that have housed grades six, seven, and eight were not intended for this use over forty years ago. Providing a learning environment to further the preparation and confidence students experience will allow student needs to be met for another fifty years. Creating a united school with teams focused on connections will enhance the climate for learning. Providing appropriate space for the extraordinary range of programs and opportunities for all students will further student opportunities and experiences. It is an exciting opportunity to see the vision actualized and optimally service the children of Concord."


Concord Middle School Educational Program
Approved by the Concord School Committee
January 26, 2021

“The reason for the broad voting support among parents and non parents based on all the documents, coffee hours and presentations made before and during the meeting was that rejecting the budget extension and going back to cut costs would end up costing more and more tax dollars because of how costly the planning process is.” He added that redoing the entire design “would add months or years of time that little kids are going to the current dilapidated middle school.”


John Cooley


"The ceiling in the gym sheds debris that the kids have affectionately dubbed “ceiling dandruff.” Even though I hate paying taxes, even though my kids are too old to benefit from a new building, I am willing to pay my share to ensure the health and safety of the students, faculty and staff in our town. Please show your support for a new middle school."


Tiffany Thompson Pomeroy


"The Middle School is a town project, as all school construction is. Our public schools need to be supported proudly by everyone. Come vote for the children who cannot vote and support this project February 16."


Kitsy Rothermel

Musketaquid Road

"The cost for the project has increased for reasons the committee could not control or fully mitigate despite their best efforts. Costs for this project are unlikely to decrease in the future and redesigning the project, as will possibly be the case if this article is voted down, will cost us more in the long run, not less... we recommend an affirmative vote on article 5."


Concord Carlisle League Of Women Voters

Jan 19, 2023

"I was at the Special Town Meeting. The vote was definitive. The decision to pass the debt exclusion moved forward... Indeed, there has been a groundswell of support for the new middle school and a tremendous relief that the article passed."


Elizabeth Crowell

Hubbard Street



"These concerns were weighed against other important factors. The Committee acknowledged that the addition of $7,200,000 to the bond authorization was not a major driver of the overall increased cost to taxpayers. The cost of borrowing at a higher interest rate has a larger impact and would occur even if the debt authorization is not increased. And significant weight was given to the CMSBC’s warning that disapproval of Article 5, which would require it to build the school within the original authorization, would result in a significant re-design, considerable cost increases, and a delay of six to nine months in the project. Taking all these factors into consideration, and after thoughtful and detailed discussion, the Finance Committee recommends affirmative action on Article 5..."





"These two schools should have been replaced years ago. They were built in the 1960s.  I think the town has got its money’s worth. Please vote yes for funding the new middle school. Do it for the kids."


Jonas Killeen
Westford Rd

"We are 81 and 89-year-old Concord residents and are writing in favor of the new Concord Middle School building...The process of rebuilding the schools has been spread out over more than 20 years; it is time to finish the school buildings now. Please vote on Thursday Feb 16 in support of the small additional cost of the new CMS building."


Robert & D’Nena Moore
Hillside Ave.

"For me, it feels important to acknowledge the potential impacts of inflation on projects such as the New Middle School Project – and in managing the town more broadly. The economy has changed over the past year and we, as a town, have the opportunity to acknowledge that change via the upcoming vote. I will vote ‘Yes’ to support the Proposed New Maximum Budget..."


Patrick F. Martin

Westford Road

"Voters should know that Dr. Hunter and the new School Building Cmt.  have worked for years to ensure that the middle school process be as inclusive and transparent as possible...The time to build this school is now. The project will never be cheaper!"


Cory Atkins

Former State Representative

14th Middlesex District

"Going back now and drawing up plans for a less expensive alternative will only further increase costs, delay the inarguable need for a school, and commit another year of our children to be schooled in outfitted trailers.  Let’s not be penny-wise and pound-foolish again. Vote YES on February 16th."


Mark and Dawn Mullins

Tarbell Spring Road

"I believe that the Concord Public School FY24 Budget Plan for a 4.7% increase is warranted and reasonable. A level services budget is an appropriate response to the needs and current economic conditions. I was disappointed that neither the Finance Committee or Select Board has elected to recommend that budget to Town Meeting. I will support the CPS budget at the level recommended by the CPS School Committee at Town Meeting. I was quite moved by the presentation made at the Finance Committee Hearing on March 9...I will be disappointed if this year the boards do not come together. However, I plan to support the School Committee recommendation at Town Meeting. I urge others to do so as well."


Mark Howell - Select Board Member Elect

Concord, MA

"I don't know how many people have walked through either Sanborn or Peabody, but those buildings are held together by duct tape and love... The facilities are outdated and they are falling apart..what children are experiencing every day. That's real...think of the children."


Chris Price

Concord, MA

"We can’t afford to delay this project any longer. To think that we can simply start over, redesign it and still meet the objectives, and that doing so will somehow cost us less money is not in line with reality. Our kids deserve a quality educational experience that meets this moment. Vote YES on February 16, and please thank those who have worked so hard on this, for so long."


Lynda Ferrari


"I believe an analytic eye will conclude that a “No” vote now delays the process and so may result ultimately in even higher cost later. The unremitting inflation in construction costs during delay raises our price tag; a “No” vote may well mean even higher taxes later, so becomes self-defeating.


David Allen


"I am grateful to live in a town that values education and has held a town meeting that voted in favor of a new middle school facility. I voted for the new middle school. Living in a town that values economic diversity and its citizens of varying age and ability is an important part of our children’s social and civic education."


Anne Fortier

Old Pickard Road

"In my judgment, the approval of the additional funds requested by the CMSBC is both an appropriate educational investment and a sound financial decision...When it is completed, I have no doubt that this building will be a tremendous asset for the town!"


Timothy Hult

South Meadow Ridge



"Our current middle school is outdated and does not have the resources or facilities to adequately support the educational needs of our students. Investing in the education of our youth is an investment in the future of our town.  The long-term benefits of the project far outweigh any short-term financial costs.  Vote the additional funding needed to make the new middle school a reality."


Lauren McCauslin

Hayward Mill Road

"Could some additional features of the middle school design have been reasonably cut? Sure, but it’s too late! If we do not fully fund this project now, it will only become more expensive later. Vote Yes in the Special Town Election for the additional money needed to get this school built."


Bob Andrews

Staffordshire Lane

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