2338 YES vs. 1537 NO
Costs Have Risen
We voted to fund our new middle school in February, 2022. But historically-unprecedented inflation drove driven costs about 7% over the $102.8M voted for. The school project we want and need can no longer be built for this amount. To ease taxpayer burden, $4M+ in cuts were made.
One Last Vote Was Needed
On 1/19/23 we approved (up to) $7.2M more for the project to move ahead. The incremental tax implications of this vote are $74/yr/median household, or $6/mo. On 2/16/23, we voted to override prop 2 1/2 to OK the borrowing. One last vote was won, to FINALLY allow the project to start.
A Failed Vote Would Have Cost Us More $$
If the 2/16 vote had failed, the project would have incurred a 6-9 month delay. A failed vote would have triggered a $5.5M redesign effort, plus $11.8M in deep cuts to key elements of the project. Put simply, it would have cost us all FAR MORE if it failed.

Concord FinComm Overwhelmingly Recommended a YES VOTE!
The Finance Committee voted overwhelmingly (11:3) IN FAVOR of recommending the passage of the warrant article. You can read their full report here.
Concord Select Board Recommended a YES VOTE!
The Select Board is IN FAVOR of the passage of the 2/16 vote!
The Jan 19 Special Town Meeting Passed By Wide Margin!
But the ballot vote also had to pass on Feb 16th! And it did!

Concord League Of Women Voters Recommended YES VOTE!
"Recommend a Yes vote. Re-starting the whole process for this project will cost more in the long run.Voters are reminded that full funding of this article will require a confirming vote, at the polls on February 16, 2023.."
"The vision of a unified Concord Middle School has been decades in the making. The schools that have housed grades six, seven, and eight were not intended for this use over forty years ago. Providing a learning environment to further the preparation and confidence students experience will allow student needs to be met for another fifty years. Creating a united school with teams focused on connections will enhance the climate for learning. Providing appropriate space for the extraordinary range of programs and opportunities for all students will further student opportunities and experiences. It is an exciting opportunity to see the vision actualized and optimally service the children of Concord."
Concord Middle School Educational Program
Approved by the Concord School Committee
January 26, 2021